Emergency Goulds 3196 ANSI Pump Stock & Expert Service: How Geiger Restored Plant Operations Same-Day

When the call came in at 7:30 AM, we knew it was serious. One of the region’s busy manufacturing plants had shut down production because their longstanding (and critical) Goulds 3196 ANSI pump was down without backup. They called on Geiger’s technical expertise and on-hand inventory to get them back up and running.

A Pump With No Name

A critical pump without a backup is dire enough for a plant that faces lost production with every minute of downtime. However, this scenario proved even more challenging because the pump was missing its nameplate. Without this crucial identification, many suppliers would struggle to provide the right replacement.

That’s where our team’s expertise made all the difference. Even without a nameplate, our technical specialists were able to determine the exact pump model they needed just by examining the customer provided:

  • Photos
  • Key measurements
  • Impeller pattern number

Goulds 3196 ANSI Pump In-Stock Inventory

Goulds 3196 Pump

What happened next demonstrates Geiger’s unique capability. While most suppliers would need days or even weeks to order and receive the right components, we maintain a comprehensive inventory of Goulds 3196 parts in our Baltimore warehouse. This allowed us to immediately begin assembling exactly what the customer needed – including custom trimming and balancing an impeller to their precise specifications.

Just six hours after the initial call we had assembled, tested, and dispatched their custom-configured replacement pump. By 6:00 PM, their production was up and running again as if nothing had happened. The customer was impressed:

“I want to thank you, Rob, Dot and Tim for all of your effort in getting the Goulds 3196 3 X 4-7.5 Pump to us on Wednesday. In just 9½ hours, you and your team managed to get the information from us, locate the parts, turn down the impeller to the correct size, assemble and test the pump, and get it delivered to us from Baltimore. Your efforts were very much appreciated.”

Geiger Is Your Best First Call

When production stops unexpectedly, every minute counts. Even without complete documentation or nameplates, our team can identify, configure, and deliver exactly what you need – often the same day. That’s the Geiger Pump and Equipment difference. We don’t just sell pumps; we deliver peace of mind by maintaining the inventory and expertise to build your exact pump configuration on demand.

Ready to see how our assembly-to-order capability could protect your operation from costly downtime?